The following content outlines the Community Rules that is agreed upon and must be committed by all users and confessors at all times. Identified user who fails to comply with any of the rules below will result in a permanent ban.

By using our services, pages, websites, and affiliated contents, you are deemed to agree and abide by our Community Rules outlined as follow:


  • Practice polite and respectful communications with other users when discussing views and opinions.

  • You are allowed to criticize and condemn the views and opinions of confessors and other users. Any use of insults, vulgarities, defaming, or derogating words and phrases are strictly PROHIBITED.

  • You are responsible for all of your published contents, including written comments.

  • Verify the authenticity and credibility of any information first.

  • Below is a non-exhaustive list of contents that are NOT ALLOWED:

  • Requests for confidential information.

  • A person's photo (plus his/her relevant details, except celebrities).

  • Suggestive or unverified descriptions of any person.

  • Re-uploading artisitic creations (photographs, drawings, written fictions, etc).

  • Disturbing images (phobia, nudity, bloodshed, cruelty, etc.).

  • Initiates monetary trading of physical and virtual items.

  • Advertising commercial products and services​​.

  • Advertising events outside school grounds.

  • Promotion of oneself​​ that may favour an unfair advantage in a competition.

  • Posting job applications.

  • All types of spam (low word-count submissions etc.).

  • Use of vulgarities

  • Accusations, defamation, and disparagement of a person or a group of people (discrimination, racism, etc.)

At  our discretion, we may allow some prohibited contents listed above under specific circumstances. Send us a message on our Facebook page!


The information above may subject to change without prior notice. All users and confessors shall re-examine the Community Rules intermittently.


For further inquiries, DM us on Facebook.


  • Removed Allowed List entirely.

  • Revised some details in the Prohibit List.

  • Revised document to eliminate writing redundancy so that the rules are easier to understand.

  • Updated Prohibit List to include all types of personal photos.

  • Refined list to specify the types of prohibited contents that are allowed ONLY on our Facebook group. (Service deprecated)

  • Selected texts from Policies & Guidelines now moved to the newly-written "General Rules" (now named Community Rules). This document is specifically for all users of our services, with new details added.

  • Specified contents allowed and prohibited.