The  solulu  to all delulu.



The  solulu  to all delulu.
Your Confession *
Attach Image / Video

Max file size (Mb): 2

By submitting your confession, you agree to accept our Terms of Service & abide by our Community Rules.

F. A. Q.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Scroll up to the form, type in whatever you want to say or share in the first big box.

  2. Attach links or images if you got any.

  3. Click "Submit"!

  4. The page will now appear to be loading. Wait for it to finish.

  5. green dialog will appear (as shown below), which means your confession is successfully sent to us.

  6. You may leave/close the page now.


There are a few possible failure scenarios when submitting the form.


Error 1: Form sending failed (7)

You did not fill in the "Confession" text box, which is a required field.


Error 2: The page finished loading, but the green dialog does not appear.

You may have uploaded too many attachments per submission. Kindly reduce the amount of attachments to 5 items or below.


Error 3: My images are not attached in your post.

  • Perhaps our admins have missed it when processing your confession, kindly contact us immediately to rectify it.

  • If your submission we received is indeed missing attachments, please try sending your confession again with fewer attachments (same rule applies as with error 2).

We DO NOT charge a single cent for submission. Feel free to confess all that you have to share for as many times as you want! (No spam tho😉)

The contents you submit are then posted to our Facebook and/or Instagram page for everyone to see. So yeah, it's all FREE!


Ads may appear alongside our services to cover operational costs.

You can now upload for as many media (images, videos, etc.) as you'd like to attach with your confession, up to 2 MB per file only.


Possible reasons for this issue:

  • We have yet to review your submission.

  • Your content has been rejected due to violation of our Terms of Service and Community Rules.

  • Your content has been deleted due to complaints.

  • We have failed to receive your submission (least likely).


What can I do?

  • Review and make sure your content adheres to our Community Rules.

  • A green dialog will appear to indicate successful submission. Don't close your browser too early.

  • All submission are reviewed by us manually before being posted. Check back after 8 hours.

  • If we have confirmed that we did not receive your confession, you can check F.A.Q. item 2 above for more information.


If you require further help or information about the status of your submission, send us a direct message on Facebook.

We are very serious about handling private information. If you are feeling harassed or uncomfortable about any content (confession, comment, etc.) on our platforms, send us a direct message on Facebook to discuss further.

Accepted forms of promotional contents:

  • Non-commercial

  • Non-competitive

  • Educational

  • Entertainment

Check out our Community Rules for a complete and detailed list of contents prohibited for submission.


If you'd like to advertise your products or services with us, contact us on Facebook for further discussion.

Report the issue/bug by sending us a direct message on Facebook!

We will announce on our Facebook or Instagram page once more openings are available. Stay tuned!

Need further help with something? Click the button below!