• Moved service to another hosting provider.

  • Major website redesign.

  • New URL/link.

  • ALL NEW admins! All previous admins have retired.

  • Revised and renamed "Policies & Guidelines" to Terms of Service, and "General Rules" to Community Rules.

  • Updated F.A.Q.

  • Revised "Terms & Policies" to "Policies & Guidelines" for admin-operation specifics. Moved user-rules specifics to the new "General Rules" instead.

  • Increased text input box size and spacing.

  • Added "Email" input box for users to opt for confession status update service. (Deprecated)

  • Removed image editing functionality. Added file size limit.

  • Removed Messenger chat function.

  • Minor website redesigns.

  • Introduced image upload functionality.

  • Added feature which the "Upload image" button only appears after the confirmation box is checked.

  • Added Messenger chat feature.

  • Replaced "About" section with F.A.Q.

  • Migrated service to Weebly.

  • Major website redesign.

  • Introduced new logo.

  • Added "Terms & Policies" page.

  • Added "Latest Stories" and "Recent Announcements" sections on home page.

  • Revamped website.

  • Removed multiple services and feature:

    • Confession Status Check (CSC)

    • Countdown

    • R/C input box in Form.

  • Added video section on home page.

  • Added Top-10 Confessions event page. (Removed)

  • Migrated website to Wordpress. Improved website loading time.

  • Form update. Email no longer required for submission.

  • Added R/C input box for users to add optional remarks.

  • Introduced Confession Status Check (CSC) service.

  • Added Event Countdown section.

  • Removed music playlist and video background.

  • On Wix, CHSPJ Confessions launched today!

  • Added music playlist and auto-play.

  • Added music lyrics and download function.

  • Added video background for desktop.